Guangzhou DSPPA Audio Co., Ltd.

ডস্পা inv▁............

2018 InfoComm Exhibition is going to be held in China National Convention Center during 11 to 13 April, 2018.
As the most authoritative domestic exhibition in AV industry, InfoComm appeals high-quality AV customers and users every year. It is a prestigious exhibition in fields of professional AV, Electronic System Integration, AV technology and intelligent building. As a leading trade platform in Asia, it has provided AV manufacturers and customers with valuable communication opportunities.

অদ্ভুত: চিনা national সংবেদনশীল
সময়: 11-13 পিরিল, 2018
জেওথ: CB3-01cexbibibiযাল

DSPPA are going to display Digital HD audio matrix system and DANTE conference system. Integrated City AV system, HD recording system and Integrated intelligent school system and AUXDIO Intelligent Audio System will also be displayed in the exhibition.  

DADante কনফারেন্স সিস্টেম
Dante Conference System has adopted Dante Ethernet digital audio transmission technique with no suppression, no dissipation and no delay. It is easy to install with 48 kHz audio sampling and 512×512 audio channels available.

Do you want to know more about DSPPA products and systems?
Come to our booth CB3-01 in C exhibition hall to experience by yourself. You are warmly welcomed by DSPPA!

Transportation Guide
চিনা অ্যানভেনশন কেন্দ্র:সিএনটি রাসংরোড, ডিজিটাইয়াং ডিরেক্টর, চিনা,
কেন্দ্রস্থল: বুস্যাগে83,85,510
বা sta▁staডিয়াম: বুস্যানজেমি81,82,86,510
উইলিয়াল-এনকুউ: বাস: বুসোন
চিহ্ন ১৫: ইত্যাদি

  • টেল:86-রো2037166520
  • নিইল
  • অদ্ভুত:সৈন্যুতে, ননটাউন, নীউইউন ডিলাট্রা, নিজহু, নির্গদং, চিনা,
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