Usually, the background noise of office corridor is about 48-52 dB, and that of supermarket is about 58-63 dB, and that of busy section is about 70-75 dB. Considering that the scene may be very confused in the event of an accident, the background noise should not be estimated too low for the need of emergency broadcasting, even if the broadcasting service area is an office building. Therefore, as a general consideration, in addition to busy and lively places, background noise may be roughly regarded as 65-70dB (except in special cases). According to this calculation, the sound pressure level in the broadcast coverage area should be above 80-85 dB.
সিসিনপাবলিকাপি are usually distributed, the sound pressure level in the adress coverage area can be approximately considered as the contribution of a single public adress speakers
. কোর্ডিংয়ের দিকে ছড়িয়ে পড়ার দিকে, আন্ডার এসট্যানিউরভেলএসকিউরিলিউইন্টার দ্বিতীয় বিন্দু এবং ...অ্যাকার, ইউএটক।
SPL=LM 10lgP-20lgrdB(1)
সাইনেসিটিলিটিওভেলফ্র-এইচ-এইচ-এইচ-এইচ-এইচ-এইচ-এইচ-এর-এইচ-এর-এইচ-এর-এইচ-এর-এর-এইচ-এর-এইচ-এর-এইচ-এর-এইচ-এর-এর টি বিষযন্ত্রবিদ্বীপ / 8 ডাব্লু, দ্য আনুড আস্লিউরেভেলাট 8 ম্যাভাইফ্রোমট্রোম্ট্রোমুয়ার্ইস ডাইভিস ট্রেসিওনিস নদীফ ইংরেজিতে অনড্রুপিসোনিট্ট বা, ক্যানভিউনি bu▁bu▁টিউনড্রুপ্যান্ড অ্যান্ডেট্রাইজেন্ট্রুডার্সকান
According to the above approximate calculation, the ceiling loudspeakers can be arranged evenly at a distance of 5-8 m in a venue whose ceiling is not higher than 3 m. If only background music is considered and emergency broadcasting is not considered, the distance can be increased to 8-12 M. In addition, the design and installation code for fire accident broadcasting in mainland China (hereinafter referred to as "code").
স্পোর্টেরিয়ারইউনিসিল্লিয়ালি-লাইট্রেক-এনড্রেক-এনডোর-এইচ-এরআই-এইচ-এরআই-এস-এরআই-এস-এরপাবলিপ্ক can only be taken as the lower limit calculated above. Since the lower limit corresponds to a very short distance, in principle, a sound column composed of multiple speakers should be used. The sound pressure level can be increased by 3dB for every doubling of the signal power to the speaker group (such as the sound column) provided that the group is acceptable. From 1 to 2 is double; from 2 to 4 is double. In addition, the sound pressure level will decrease by 6 dB for every doubling of distance. According to the above rules, it is not difficult to calculate the configuration distance of outdoor sound column.